Monday, December 7, 2009

Cold as ICE......

Last week Ryan took the ICE exams at his school. ICE exams are a big comprehensive test that is all material from the past 2 years of chiropractic college. The ICE exams are put on by Ryan's school only, but they are to prepare you for the first set of national Board exams that Ryan will be taking this March. Ryan's school always scores the highest on National Boards, probably because they do these ICE exams. Plus his school doesn't let you take Boards if you don't pass ICE. (I don't know what ICE stands for). So obviously for months Ryan has been constantly studying more than humanly possible. When he took the exams he came home and said that they were so hard and hoped he even passed. Well yesterday he got the Results.....Not only did he pass, he scored in the highest bracket on almost every test! We are so Proud of Ryan!!! Funny thing is after he got his results he fell asleep on the floor for like almost 3 hours! Talk about mental and emotional exhaustion!!!! So Bring on the National Boards!!!!! Only 2 more years left!!!


Melissa + Brett said...

GO RYAN!!! That is seriously amazing!

Ang and Shawn said...
