Thursday, June 3, 2010

This seriously BUGS!!!

This is my biggest pet peeve!!! I happened to have my camera in the front seat while driving the other day. We are all completely stopped at a stop light, See the red light in the distance? Why in the world do people do this. PULL UP TO THE LINE, IDIOT!!!!! There is like space for 2 cars!! I see this all the time in California! What is it with you people!!! If you are one of these people who do this please explain this to me, I don't get it!


Whitney said...

oh my gosh! that bugs me SO bad too! what the heck!! is it just california? i dont get it!

ps.. this is whitney morrison from the ward, i may or may not blog stalk you ;)

Melissa + Brett said...

DITTO! Love that you had your camera handy! I think it's worse here in Mexas!!!!

magunn said...

Pahaha so so true ... probably two seconds later some crazy pulled in and attempted to fill that gap, while taking up three lanes, right? Gotta love California traffic.