Wednesday, May 12, 2010

17 months

Our Seth Man is 17 months. My how the time has flown! Here is what is going on with little man:
-He talks all the time! sometimes words, most of the time it is jibber jabber, but he jibbers at me and looks at me like "Duh I just asked you a question!" He can say... Momma, Daddy, Cheesh (cheese),shoosh (shoes), star (he can even recognize the shape), and show (he wants a movie or t.v.).
-He can do some signs. I wish I would have started sooner. I don't know why I didn't since I took 3 years of sign language, but he has this video and I noticed last month that he was doing some of them, so I have started signing with him and he has picked up it up so fast. He can do from the movie, refrigerator and table. And he is so happy to show you anytime. He has this big old grin on his face. He can also do eat, apple, and milk. We are working on others.
-He is very mischievous!
-He LOVES Elmo and Sesame Street. He freaks out every time he sees the character any where, even if it is on his diaper. He will sit glued to the t.v. during Elmo's world. I don't know how this began, I don't ever remember pushing him to like Elmo, he has just totally become attached on his own. I am waiting for a special occasion to rationalize buying a stuffed animal of Elmo, because he would be so happy!! Maybe I will get him one when I go to Girls Camp with the Young women (another story all on its own!)
Watching Elmo!
-Loves jumping on the bed and playing Hide and Seek.
-He LOVES steering wheels! Funny story last night we went to the mall and he was freaking out at the rental car stroller shopping cart things they have there. He went to each one and wanted to sit in it. I swear jut for something to do I could go to the mall and just sit there for hours while he sat in them and played!
-He LOVES balls. He is very good at throwing them.... and other things so watch out if you are in his line of fire!
-He still hates riding in the car. Longer rides we have to take the DVD player and a movie OR else screaming will ensue the whole way. He really is a good kid, just don't ever try to restrain or make this kid stop moving and running around and he will be happy!
-He LOVES his blanket and binkie! Bad I know, but it is the last of his babyness!!! He will run into his room and yell until I come and get them out of his crib. He will then bury his face in his blanket while saying "ahh, mmmm" and other soothing noises!!
I am trying to work on only letting him have them when he sleeps. Some days are better than others.
-He LOVES Baby Einstein still, and hits the T.V. until I put on a "Show". That is really the only T.V. he likes.
- He dances every time he hears music. His favorite is the ending credits of the T.V. show the O.C. (thanks to the Gunn's for getting us addicted)
-He is a climber! He climbs on and in everything! He also is a really fast runner!!!

-We are having a hard time getting him to eat table food. He just loves his baby food purees! Slowly it is getting better, but he doesn't like real food!!! Any Suggestions?? I have bought a baby food processor and blending up our food doesn't work, he can tell and will not eat it!!! So is my kid going to be 5 and still eating Gerber Mac and Cheese???
With all that said I took a picture of his first lunch he ate that didn't involve baby food. I just had to document! It consisted of Strawberries (he LOVES strawberries) and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Since then it is hit and miss.I found out throughout the meal that he would get mad if I covered up Elmo on his plate. Here he is uncovering Elmo!

-Still takes two hour and a half naps!! I am so glad, cause I know most kids his age are on only one nap, and he still takes 2 glorious naps!
-Sleeps great at night 8pm to anytime between 6 and 7:30 depending on the day!
-Loves to go outside. I just tell him to get his shoes and runs to the drawer (gets his ugly beach sandals) and runs to the door!
- He had the best personality. He smiles all the time, talks, waves, and runs around. We always get stopped where ever we are and he gets so much attention even from other parents with their own little ones.
- We are one Ear infection away from a referral to Ear Nose and Throat Doctor for Tubes. So far since December 31 we have dealt with 7 ear infections. Seth currently has a cold and the Doctor said if this turns into one we are getting a referral for tubes! So sad! But definitely mine and Ryans kid (we both had trouble as kids). So far so good with this cold, Thanks to Benedryl prescribed by the doctor to dry him up so hopefully no infection!!!
There is so much more, but I won't bore you too much!
Oh and he likes to drink out of Ryan's cups he always leaves laying around for Seth to get into. But Seth is so proud!!!

1 comment:

Mama Winter said...

aw he is getting so big :) i miss u guys. we need to hang out and catch up :)