Thursday, October 2, 2008

I've Been SUMMONED!!

That is right you heard me. I (Lindy) got summoned for jury duty. I can't believe it, after living in Utah for years I never got called, and then we move to California and not even a few months go by and I get called. I don't mind doing my "civic duty" but being pregnant and all, come on people!!! I just hope that they have a snack table or else someone is going to pay!!! (Just kidding!)


JENNY said...

I was also summoned when I was pregnant and it was in the month that I was due! I asked to be dismissed, but got called to go anyways. Luckily when I went to the court house it was cancelled. I know how you feel!!! By the way, how are you guys? Did you know I quit Home Depot and live in California now. Crazy huh. Tell Ryan hello.

Kim said...

That sucks girlie. Spencer's dad gets jury duty every year, it seems like they need it more than Utah. Maybe they will let you go because your pregnant. Good Luck!!

Hillary said...

OOOOOH your blankets and burp rags are SOOO cute. You are a productive little mommy! My blanket is like still only a third of the way knitted. I got it out today to do during conference but I decided to just lay there and listen and be lazy. The burp rags are awesome... don't let them tell you otherwise... its so fun to make things cute. I like them. Cute ribbon from the dollar bin too!

Oh and about Jury duty... blah! Hope you get out of it. I got called here about two months after Ben was born so I just said I had a baby and was breast feeding and BINGO, off the hook.

Hope you are well... Talk to you soon...
Love, Hillary

J.D. Sheppard said...

Hey Lindy I just wanted to say congrats. I hope all is going well for you guys. Good luck with that jury duty thing.