Saturday, July 25, 2009

O.C. Fair

Last night we went with some friends to the O.C. Fair. It was super fun. It was huge though. You could spend forever there. We had some good fair food (at the time we both thought it was good, but later that night Ryan and I were both taking Pepto Bismol. But we both survived fortunately!!) Seth was completely mesmerized by all the rides lit up. Thanks for calling us Grant and Julia it was fun.

Fun at the park

Yesterday We went on an outing to the park when Ryan got home from school. We decided to take advantage of the great scenery around us and take some pictures. We also captured Seth's first time on a swing and going down a slide. He liked the swing, but no reaction going down the slide. Sorry for the picture overload, but I couldn't narrow it down much.

Mama's Boy

When I am in the kitchen I usually put him in the bumbo while I cook, or do dishes and he always finds my cooking utensils and happily plays with them, and he will grunt at me when he wants me to pick them up off the floor so he throw them down again.

A born knitter????

What is that noise?

We thought that we would share Seth's new sound he likes to make. We think it is so funny, he will just do this as long as someone is paying attention to him. We love this little guy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just Because.....

Just because I think he is so cute!!!!


To everyone on my side of the family when you say "we are going to the beach" it doesn't mean your going to the beach, it is talking about the actually week long vacation that brings 26 or more of my family all together from many states across the country all staying under one roof at Capistrano beach. This tradition began when my mom was a kid and the Sorensen clan has been returning since. We have added husbands, wives, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I have been ever since I was 4 weeks old and never missed a summer. It is so great to see everyone every year, even though we all live so far away we are all so close because of this tradition. I just want to thank my grandparents, Mamo and Oohoo for doing this every year. We all have such fond memories and I will be really sad when we no longer are doing this. After I leave for a few days I always feel lonely because I am so used to so many people around. Also we were minus a few (Hillary wish you were there!!)Which is always sad, but I hope everyone can make it next year. But until then enjoy the pictures of this years beach trip!!! I am already looking forward to next year.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July

For the fourth of July this year we went to Corona and was with Ryan's family. We went swimming earlier and then Ryan and his dad went over to the park to start setting up the popcorn stand for the 4th of July celebration for the city. That is pretty much what Ryan did all day was cook popcorn. But I just got to hang out with Seth and sit in the shade and relax at the park. It was a nice day to celebrate our nation's birthday!!

Staying cool with a cold water bottle

The popcorn setup

How Ryan spent his 4th...standing over a hot kettle cooking popcorn

Check out the line for our popcorn!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

7 Months

Yesterday Seth turned 7 months! I think that this month has been a sad, but exciting month for us. Seth has done so much growing and the realization has hit us that our baby is growing up. This month was huge for him, with lots of growing and milestones hit. He has lost the baby look to me, he looks like a kid! So here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks of what is new for Seth....

I can now go to Sleep without being swaddled, and stay asleep!! Thanks everyone for your advice. It totally worked!! It took some time, but we did it! ( I know he is way to big to be in that positioner, but were easing out of that now.)

I have totally outgrown my tub!!!! I thought you might like to see the change.

I am so big that I had to get a big boy car seat! Yeah... no more lugging that dang heavy Infant seat around! But sad because no more baby!!! thanks Grandma and Grandma Bias for my new car seat!!

Mickey ears! One night to get out of the house we went to Downtown Disney for the evening.

I got a helmet so we can go on Bike Rides!

So I put Seth on the counter in the bathroom while I was fixing my hair....Pulling tissues from a box is lots of fun!!

I love playing in my crib!

Sorry Ryan, mommy has a new man!!!!

Also Seth has Teeth!!! This month his bottom 2 teeth have broken through. Oh my!!!
And if you didn't catch it in the pictures, Seth can sit up. Actually really well, he never falls over. Anyways He is still a fantastic baby, and he is the cutest thing ever, and we are so blessed to have him. We love you Seth!

Where did mommy go?